Feature list:
Unlock selected node
Select n-gone
Select triangle
Select holes
Select double faces (really slow)
Seelect similar objct
Select by normal ( X | Y | Z )
Edge slide
Surface slide
Align objects
Bevel (with options)
Duplicate X | Y | Z (copy or Instance)
Creat lattice (with options)
Merge (with options)
Clone face
Seperate face
Clean seperate
Clean combine
Offset edge (with options)
Reduce subdiv (zbrush subdivs)
Lock / unlock normal
Soft and hard edge normal
Reverse normals
Delete history
Delete double shapes
Colorset killer
Fix bad shading (mtl face assignment)
Xray selecte
Curve extrued
2 point Aim
Delete Namespaces
Delete "pasted" prefix
coming soon
Modeling Tool Kit
While I'm modeling I use a lot of technique and tool very repetitively so I decided to put them into one shelf that I can doc to the Maya UI.
It combines a lot of Maya features that are usually hidden in sub- sub-menus and includes the most valuable options in one UI.